Training Course Announcement
Time:2022-06-10 Page View:
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Course description: In 2022, Representative Islands Platform for Resources, Ecology and Sustainable Development (RIPRESD) will hold the training course on island sustainable development (Session I). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, RIPRESD will offer a distance learning course.

Participants: The course is aimed at participants who are committed to promoting sustainable development of islands. The number of participants is limited to 200. If there are more applicants than available seats, priority will be given to applicants who have with island management or island research experience.

Dates: The course will plan to start on 25 June 2022. 

Language: English

Course lecturers and topics:

Lecturer: BALDACCHINO, Godfrey

Topic: Studying Islands: Island Life is not always about crisis

Lecturer: CHU, Jian  

Topic: Land reclamation and related soil improvement methods in Singapore

Lecturer: LALLEMANT-MOE, Hervé Raimana

Topic: French Polynesia/Te Ao Maohi – A merger of institutional and indigenous ways of protecting the environment

Lecturer: LAM, Siu Lee Jasmine

Topic: Clean energy sources for sustainable shipping


Topic: Island and coastal conservation in myanmar

Lecturer: MONCADA, Stefano

Topic: Island governance: Climate change, economic development and legal responses

Lecturer: SU, Ming Ming

Topic: Island tourism and the sustainable livelihoods of island communities

Lecturer: Tao,Aifeng

Topic: Practice of coastal protection in China based on natural solutions

Lecturer: ZHOU, Yingxin

Topic: Underground space development in Singapore

The list is in no particular order. For more information, please visit:

Price: Free for eligible participants.

Registration: Register in advance for this course []
