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In 2022, the platform plans to organize three training sessions on island sustainable

development, more information will be updated soon.


May & June, 2022

Speaker: BALDACCHINO, Godfrey

Professor of Sociology, University of Malta; Former Canada Research Chair and UNESCO

Co-Chair in Island Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada; President,

International Small Islands Studies Association (ISISA); Founding Editor, Island Studies

Journal (2006-2016). Author or editor of many books,including the Routledge

International Handbook of Island Studies (2018).

Topic: Studying islands: Island life is not always about crisis


Speaker: SU, Ming Ming

Professor at School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China.

She had degrees from Tsinghua University of China, University of Waterloo in Canada.

Her research focuses on tourism at protected areas, tourism and community sustainable

development, island tourism. She published more than 50 journal articles in top journals

as Tourism Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Geographies, Marine

Policy, Ocean & Coastal Management. She is also an expert member of the ICOMOS

International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC).

Topic: Island tourism and the sustainable livelihoods of island communities

Co-organizer: School of Geography, Liaoning Normal University

Commentator: WANG Hui (Professor and Vice Dean, Liaoning Normal University)


Speaker: ZHOU, Yingxin

Dr Zhou has more than 30 years of experience in technology development, engineering and 

project management in rock engineering and underground space development. He played 

leading roles in several major pioneering rock engineering and research projects  and served 

as technical advisor to many government ministries in Singapore, including  the Jurong Town 

Corporation for Southeast Asia’s largest underground oil storage facility. He led the rock 

engineering and technology development for the underground ammunition  facility in 

Singapore and developing new safety standards for underground ammunition storage which 

have been adopted by NATO. Prior to joining DeepTek in 2022, Dr Zhou was Head 

Engineering (Underground Facilities)  with the Defence Science and Technology Agency. He 

was Assoc Prof (Adj) at the Nanyang Technological University (2011 to 2018), President of 

the Commission on Rock Dynamics (2008-2011) & Vice President for Asia of the International 

Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (2011-2015), and Vice President of the Associated 

research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (2013-2016). Dr Zhou is a Fellow of the 

Academy of Engineering Singapore and Fellow of the ISRM. He is currently Director (Asia) & 

Board member of the Associated research Centers for  the Urban Underground Space and a 

member of the Advisory Board of the International  Tunnelling Association Committee on 

Underground Space. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of 

Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology. 

Topic: Underground space development in Singapore

Co-organizer: Hainan Tropical Ocean University


Speaker: LAM, Siu Lee Jasmine

Professor Dr. LAM, Siu Lee Jasmine from Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU)

is an active scholar in maritime transport and logistics. She is the founding Centre Director of 

Maritime Energy and Sustainable Development Centre of Excellence and served as Director 

of Maritime Studies programmes at NTU for 12 years (2008-2020). She has been invited by 

numerous organisations, governments, companies and universities as a key speaker and 

chair at international conferences. Leading a R&D team and working closely with the industry 

and government agencies, Prof Lam has completed over 60 projects including consultancy 

to many countries. She has more than 300 technical publications in leading journals and 

conferences. In terms of professional service and leadership, she holds various prestigious 

international appointments, such as Expert Advisor to governments, steering committee

member, Global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres Network Stakeholders’ 

Committee member, invited by International Maritime Organization; Vice President and 

Council Member of International Association of Maritime Economists (2014-2020, completed 

maximum term of 6 years). She is honoured to be at the Top 0.3% scientist in the world 

[global list by Stanford University]. Furthermore, Prof Lam is the recipient of many awards, 

including National Day Award from the Prime Minister’s Office in Singapore, Erasmus 

Mundus Faculty Scholar Award awarded by the European Commission, and 8 times Best 

Paper Awards.

Topic: Clean energy sources for sustainable shipping

Commentator: Hu, Jianbo (Associate Professor, Tianjin Research Institute for Water 

Transport Engineering, M.O.T.)

Co-organizer: Hainan Tropical Ocean University


Speaker: GUNARATHNE, Kapila    

Executive Director Green Planet Ecosystem, Sri Lanka 

Topic: Spatial planning of Sri Lanka Pegion Island


Speaker: NGUYEN, Viet Thanh

Professor, University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam

Co-organizer: Hainan Tropical Ocean University



MIN HAN HTET graduated from Mandalay Technological University in specialization of 

B.E (Mechanical) in 2003. He received the degree of Master of Maritime Science and 

Technology and PhD in Engineering from Kobe University. He charged his service in 

Myanmar Maritime University since 2005 to now. Currently, he is working as associate 

professor of Marine Engineering Department in this university. He is also actively 

participating as technical officer of maritime technical cooperation center at Asia 

region (MTCC, Asia) hosted in Shanghai Maritime University under supervision of 

international maritime organization (IMO) in intention of GHG Emission reduction.


MEE MEE SOE, professor of Myanmar Maritime University, got the B.Sc Hons:

 (Computing and Information Systems), NCC, UK in 2002, B.E and M.E (Civil) from 

Yangon technological University in 2004 and 2006 and Doctor of Engineering (Port, 

Coastal and Offshore Engineering) from Hohai University, Nanjing, China in 2011. 

She is now working as an associate professor of Port and Harbour Engineering 

Department of MMU.

Topic: Island and coastal conservation in myanmar

Co-organizer: Hainan Tropical Ocean University


Speaker: LALLEMANT-MOE, Hervé Raimana

Dr Hervé Raimana Lallemant-Moe (French Polynesia) is a member of the Governance and 

Insular Development Research Team (GDI – University of French Polynesia) and the Center of 

International Law (CDI – University of Lyon 3). His research interests include environmental 

law, international law, and oversea communities’ legal issues, particularly for French 

Polynesia, and his specialty is climate change legal issues. Lallemant-Moe is teaching law at 

the University of French Polynesia, where he is an alumnus. He also graduated from the 

University of Western Brittany (France) and the University of South Pacific (Fiji). Lallemant-

Moe was the assistant of Maina Sage, a Polynesian member of the French National Assembly 

(French Parliament). He previously worked several years for the Polynesian Government and 

was a member of the High Council of French Polynesia, a group of legal experts who served 

as advisors to the President of the country.

Topic: French Polynesia/Te Ao Maohi – A merger of institutional and indigenous ways of 

protecting the environment

Co-organizer: Shandong Provincial Youth Innovation Talent  Program Team (Pacific Islands 

Research Team of Liaocheng University)



Speaker: TAO, Aifeng

Hohai University, China

Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal Disaster and Protection, China

Topic: Practice of coastal protection in China based on natural solutions


Speaker: CHU, Jian

Prof Chu Jian is the Chair of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director 

of Centre for Urban Solutions at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He

worked for Iowa State University, USA, as a professor and James M. Hoover Chair in 

Geotechnical Engineering from 2011 to 2014. Prof Chu is currently the Chair of ISSMGE 

Technical Committee TC217 on Land Reclamation. He chaired ISSMGE Technical Committee 

TC39 on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation from 2005 to 

    1. Prof Chu has delivered over 60 keynote or invited lectures at international conferences. 

He is an editor for Acta Geotechnica and associate editor for ASCE Journal of Materials in 

Civil Engineering. In addition toleading a number of large-scale research projects, Prof Chu 

is also actively involved in construction projects in Singapore or overseas as either a 

consultant or advisor. He was a past president of the Geotechnical Society of Singapore.

Topic: Land reclamation and related soil improvement methods in Singapore

Co-organizer: Hainan Tropical Ocean University


Speaker: MONCADA, Stefano  

Stefano Moncada was born in Rome in 1976. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the 

University of Malta, where he lectures and conducts research in the areas of development 

economics, climate change, island studies, sustainable development, and impact evaluation 

techniques. Stefano’s recent research activities include economic and health assessments, 

in the face of climate change, of communities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). 

Prior to join academia, Stefano worked in the Italian Parliament as manager and policy 

analyst. He also worked as a consultant in several development projects based in Albania, 

Mexico, Mali and Ethiopia, mainly in relation to socio-economic, health, and environmental 

funded activities. He has worked with the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) 

as senior research officer, where he was in charge of the development of impact assessment 

tools. Stefano is Director of the Islands and Small States Institute of the University of Malta, 

and part of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Development and 

Training Institutes (EADI), of the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental 

Change (MedECC), and acts as expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 

Change (IPCC). He is active in numerous outreach and knowledge-transfer initiatives, 

including training courses and consultation sessions for public, private, and Non

-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Topic: Island governance: Climate change, economic development and legal responses

Co-organizer: Fujian Normal University


Speaker: SCHNABEL, Marc Aurel

Professor Marc Aurel Schnabel is the Dean of the Wellington Faculty of Architecture & 

Design Innovation, Victoria University of Wellington. As Dean, he drives creativity, innovation 

entrepreneurship that enables innovation, sustainability and cultural responsibility. Trained 

as an Architect, he leads research in architectural and design technologies. He has worked 

in Germany, Australia, and Hong Kong (CUHK & HKU) for thirty years and is recognised for 

his research in computational design, augmented and virtual reality, digital heritage, and 

intelligent cities. He has been the President of both ANZAScA and CAADRIA and curated 

four digital architectural exhibitions, Disparallel Spaces, 8448cubed, Immersive Legacies, 

Ars Electronica Aotearoa New Zealand. He established Digital Architecture Research 

Alliance (DARA), connecting professionals and researchers through innovative digital 

spatial design explorations.

Topic: Immersive Architectural Realities: The Construction of Meaning in Speculative 

Virtual Islands



Events Archive:


Topic: Real-time monitoring and forecasting of Blue Tears in Pingtan, Fujian Province

Speaker: GU, Haifeng    Time: March 18, 2022


Topic: Study on underwater cultural relics detection and protection in island regions

Speaker: XU, Jiang    Time: January 21, 2022


Topic: Frontier Research on coastal wetland types surveying

Speaker: Du, Jun    Time: January 21, 2022


Topic: International progress in marine spatial planning

Speaker: ZHANG, Zhiwei    Time: January 21, 2022


Topic: Research on marine ecological assessment and planning

Speaker: CHEN, Bin    Time: March 22, 2021


Topic: Practices and reflection on marine ecological restoration

Speaker: OUYANG, Yurong    Time: June 16, 2021


Topic: key points of Implementing regulations of the land administration law

Speaker: WEI, Lihua    Time: September 14, 2021


Topic: Training on the census technology of marine disaster risks  

Speaker: Experts of Xiamen Marine Environment Monitoring Center, SOA

Time: November 8, 2021






Latest update: June 18, 2022 

The statistical period starts from January 1, 2021.

Previous article: RESEARCH ARCHIVES